Saturday, May 1, 2021



Adobe premiere pro has advanced software that has allowed me a lot of freedom to develop the scenes to be exactly to how I envision them, I have done this using CGI. I looked to take it scene by scene, the photo above depicts the most time consuming section of the editing process,  the editing required me to generate graffiti onto the wall that the community services workers are washing. To make this natural and to the point where it is unnoticeable the scene demanded me to take the shot frame by frame making sure that the graffiti was to scale with the wall, this meant that the image required lots of resizing/adjusting. My experience with premiere pro was limited going into this project and I learned a lot of skills I'd look to bring into further projects, however, because of the expansive library of effects and editing techniques that I have barely scratched the surface of I imagine that this process could have been done a lot faster had I the knowledge.

Before the video editing process, I went to photoshop to apply the graffiti to the wall I had to find a JPEG online and edit it to make it easily applicable to the brick wall background. In reflection, the image I chose made it difficult to superimpose behind the actors washing the wall because the image had drip marks that in the process I thought would make sense since this would be the effect that you'd see when you wash graffiti. 

1 comment:

  1. This is fascinating! You have explained how you achieved a graffitied wall through editing and the learning process does you credit. Well done, Tom,
