Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Distributing my Film

When researching how Hollywood blockbusters distributed a film I noticed the budget requirements for many of the advertisement methods they used.

I was however aware of their use of digital poster's, With my budget in utilising social media as to cut costs on the price of paper this could be a very viable option

Facebook pages can be used to reach an older audience, Instagram and Snapchat for younger.

Build a film website, filled with information about production and screening time

Film poster card; Image of the film, social media links. - BAIT, another independent film used this method

  • Apply to BFI
  • Try to get the film screened at London film festival
Tortoise in love

The BFI funded for advertising campaign for lesser known films

Mark Batey was the FDA head until march 2019

What, Who, When - in consideration of targeting audience

I intend to position my film as a ....

Talk about the selling points of the film 

Kezia Williams - Entertainment One Uk

1 comment:

  1. This is coming along well. Aim to build on this answer this week.
